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Diary Of My Novels
Novel Summaries
Samurai Princess (Geisha)
The Elements
Pam's Book
More Than Fins
The Long Ride
The Aventuriers
The Seventh Sense
My Drama/Movie Scripts
My Songs
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Jump then Fall

My little brother Alex made a website with his books and songs and I highly think people should take a look at it. Even though he is just beggining he does have talent, he really won't stop surprising me of how much we got in common, I'm very proud of him :)

Alex's Site


Yukino's Cosplay House

This is my cosplay site where I will be putting pictures of my cosplays and dates of anime conventions and stuff. It's being a while since I've updated this site and I forgot the password so I'm re-doing it again, please be patient.

My Cosplay Site

Simply Mika
(Book Reviews)

My livejournal turn into a book reviewer. I'll be reading some books and make some pointers about it, what I loved, what I hated and all the works. I won't be updating as fast as I would like but oh well, I'll try my best.


~*~Simply Mika~*~

This is the page where I got my Harry Potter fan fics. I hope you can get to read them and like them!


FanFic: Saint Ann



Feel free to use my chat room for any ocassion!


© Copyright 2007 Mik@. All rights reserved. Distribution of any kind is prohibited without the written consent of Mik@.