

Diary Of My Novels
Novel Summaries
Samurai Princess (Geisha)
The Elements
Pam's Book
More Than Fins
The Long Ride
The Aventuriers
The Seventh Sense
My Drama/Movie Scripts
My Songs
My Drawings
My Links
About the Author
Contact Me

What's On?


"It's Done, You Guys! Woo Hoo!!!"
Hello guys! Yet again, long time since I last updated...yeah, sorry about that! >< I'm just busy now really cause guess what?! I'm studying! Woot! But not just anything! I'm studying Cinematography and TV Production! Oh yeah! My THANG! XD hahaha! But, I came here not to talk about that (even if I'm dying deep inside to tell you all the details!) instead, I came here 'cause...GUESS AGAIN?! Come on! You can do it! THAT'S RIGHT! IT'S DONE! My novel More Than Fins it's finished!!! Now available to download!!! Woot! OMG! I can't believe I finished one of my 8 novels entirely! It's seriously an amazing feeling! Oh! I also added two new pages guys! There's My Drama/Movie Scripts where I'll be uploading my drafts for "Taiwanese Dramas" (my new obsession and if so God wants it and I hope so, my future job!) and also My Drawings . If you know me well, then I guess you know that I graduated from an art school and I especialized in "Advertising Design". Speaking of that! I'm gonna soon put a link of some t-shirts I'm designing with cafepress.com so, keep a good watch of My Links!!! Well, I guess that's about it! I hope you guys have a wonderful day and please SUPPORT me! Oh! Yes! Very important! I will have my story More Than Fins on discount! It'll be yours to download for only $1.00!!! Yes, you heard right! So, please buy it and support me!!! Thanks a lot guys! See ya!


"New Stuff, Huge Update!"
Holy crap! I haven't update this page for a WHILE but like a long looong while! It's already 2010 people! New year, new hopes, new goals and new stuff!!! My novel More Than Fins it's almost completly done! Only 4 chapters more to go! I decided to just delete the pdfs that I had of it cause I edited the whole thing up and well there's new stuff so I'll be uploading that pretty soon! I also have two new novels to add in this lovely site of mine! Say hello to  The Aventuriers and The Seventh Sense !!! YAY! =D And I also added two new pages! There's My Links which I added the urls to my book reviewer (livejournal) site, another site I made for a fan made story I did which I still haven't finish yet (but I will of course) and also I have url to my fan fics and my little brother's web site which will have his work too (he writes too, just like his sissy :) so proud of him!). Then there's guess what? Yup! I'll be putting some of My Songs here and you can even get to hear me sing them with music and all made by moa! :P But, it's pass protected so only my friends can really read and hear it (sorry about that, they aren't copyrighted yet). I guess that's pretty much it, I hope you guys are doing well so far (I know I am! Woot woot!) I'll leave you guys cause I need to continue to work! See you guys later in the next big update I make! Bye bye!~


"More Than Fins Now Available To Download!"
Guess what?! We got a new one! I'm really making progress I must say...between me working and stuff, I'm really pushing myself to do this as fast as I can. Now, I'm proud to say that today my mermaid story More Than Fins joins her sisters The Elements and Pam's Book in the 'downloadable' status. I also decided to delete the "under construction' banner in the main pages of these three novels, so that you may know that you there's already chapters that you may download. I'm gonna be working on the third chapter of The Elements which it's almost done and then I can concentrate on looking for the prologue of Arnalat which I wrote somewhere...and I think also got The Long Ride 's prologue too on a site or on paper...if not, I'll have to do both from scratch. As for my japanese romantic/tragedy novel Samurai Princess (Geisha) I have to really settle all my ideas on it and sit down and get them on paper, I've gathered all the info I could on Geishas and Samurais and I think I got a pretty good idea where I can start, I only hope it's good enough for the readers, this novel would really mean a lot to me...well, I guess that's pretty much it! Be sure to Contact Me if you want to read my stories or have any questions about them or this site. Thanks a lot!


"Two Novels Are Now Available To Download!"
Thank you all for waiting! I'm no proud to announce that the prologue of Pam's Book and the prologue, first and second chapters of The Elements are now available to download. Since I'm barely starting this, some of my friends will have the priviledge of downloading them without paying for them as I will be giving them the usernames and password and again I won't be giving it to just everyone...just the people I think I can trust. Anyways, if you're interested be sure to contact me and I'll give you the codes to enter this two novels loadies page. Thank you for reading and visiting my site! Have a nice day! 


"What I've being up to and new things to come!"
Well, I really must say I'm ver proud of myself 'cause this page has being making more progress in 2 months than it ever did in the past 2 years I've had it on 'hiatus'. I've decided that people are going to pay for it (I might make exceptions to a few of my friends of course, the ones I really trust and would like for them to check on my stories development so far) it's not much though only $5 for each, now now now people! Remember this are my babies I'm sharing with you all so I gotta make a profit out of it, not all can win though I think both sides are winning here: from my side I get my bit of moolah which it's not that bad especialy during this times of economical issues and from your side your getting something to be entertained with and you're gonna be on my side if you truly are a literary nerd which I am! If it wasn't me doing this but a friend of mine, I would totally support him and buy at least one of them for him, there's 6 books so it be $30 for 6 books! And we mostly pay that for one or two books, be honest with yourself, this is a bargain! Lol!  Anyways, right now my novels are still NOT FOR SALE! I repeat they're NOT FOR SALE!!! 'Cause of the obvious, I still haven't upload them. I've being busy with two pages which might help the reader before buying the novel, 'cause of course I don't want them wasting their money in topics they're not that interested in, plus I do wanna share with people the reason why I wrote each of them. So, now you can see Diary Of My Novels and Novel Summaries and I hope this two help you decided which story you might like to take a look at. I once again repeat ALL STORY PAGES ARE UNDER CONSTRUCTION I will actually have banners on all of them so people don't get confuse. I'll announce here when some of them are ready to be download-able of course. See you guys later! It's decision time! Enjoy!


"Road Ahead: Simply Mika" says goodbye to "Hiatus"
Yes people, be very happy! I got inspired enough and got time enough to pay a bit of attention to this page. I got big plans for this site and I mean BIG! All my novels are going to be for all my friends to read, since I'm always talking about the novels I'm writing and they wanna read them and I'm always owing them that draft that never comes...so, this is the bestest way I can do it. Now, If you check on each page of the novels, they are all powered by bravenet's password protection, what does this mean? That not everyone is allow to read my stories unless they've talk to me and I give them the username and password to it, why I did this? The answer's quite obvious: for one, copyrighting infrigments from people that I don't know and might bump on this page since I have it as my personal url on different sites and numbah two! Again I must repeat, not EVERYONE will be allowed to read them, even if I know them...I can't trust everyone (especialy people that might like to be a great writer...I ain't saying I am BUT they might like a few things here and there that are original from moa and they might slip it on their stuff...which it's not cool...). I also deleted all the things I had written in Samurai Princess (Geisha) so I can restart the whole story and write the real thang! lol! So, I guess that's it! Oh, I also update the Diary Of My Novels , I only got Samurai Princess (Geisha) 's back-story but I'll be doing the rest later...I think I've had enough for now...I'm gonna go read a book I've being reading, it's called "The Mortal Instruments" it's a trilogy, I'm already done with book 1 "City of Bones" now I'm on book 2 "City of Ashes" then onward to book 3 "City of Glass", I recommend it...it's quite nice. Anyways, see ya guys! Keep visiting this page and see the results!!! Night!


"Samurai Princess" is now "Samurai Princess (Geisha)"
Okay, it's being a WHILE! And still, I got none! I'm so sorry! I've being kinda busy. First, my computer died on me so now I'm stuck using my dad's; Second, I've being playing an online MMORPG called 'Conquer'; Thirdly, I wasn't even in the country! I was on a great cruise which I really really REALLY miss and wish I was there right now! :( I applied for a job there so hopefully they'll answer me soon *crosses fingers*. Well, onward to updates, I just put a bit of explanation in Diary Of My Novels page about my novel which I'll have to re-edit cause I've decided to tell the REAL story, clueless what I'm talking about? Read Diary Of My Novels and you'll know a bit of what I'm talking about. The title will still be the same 'cause for me she still will be a princess, a geisha princess that is, well, you'll see what I mean once I start re-doing the whole thing *sigh* lol! oh wells...I guess that's it! I'll start writing in a notebook when I feel inspire and try as soon as possible to pass it on to the computer. See ya!

Full update of the site!!!

Hey! So it's been quite a long time! At first I must admit I had no idea which path should I take with this page and finally everything's a bit clearer now! (Thank God!). So I'll try to update  when I can (so many things to do, so little time!). Update the new page of Diary Of My Novels 'cause I figured that people should know a short background about them. And well, I guess that's it...see ya!


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