
The Seventh Sense

Diary Of My Novels
Novel Summaries
Samurai Princess (Geisha)
The Elements
Pam's Book
More Than Fins
The Long Ride
The Aventuriers
The Seventh Sense
My Drama/Movie Scripts
My Songs
My Drawings
My Links
About the Author
Contact Me

Under Construction

"Never forget your gift and why you're here..."


Hey people!
Okay. This is how it works: You have a priviledge in a way of reading first hand my stories, but there's always a cash! I can't trust just anyone (for all the copyright infringment, ect.) So, this is the offer I give you, you only pay $5 and when I get the email from pay pal I will then send you through you're email the password. The next best thing to this is I won't change the password so hold on to that email with the password and username so that you're able to log to the page that has the downloadable pdf documents. I'll try to update my stories asap! Thanks again for your support! If you have any questions about this make sure to Contact me! Tottle

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