
"The Aventuriers" Summary
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Pam's Book
More Than Fins
The Long Ride
The Aventuriers
The Seventh Sense
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Emily and Andrew Jonhson are cousins that while ditching school to drink beers, get attacked by a horrible monster and are saved by a bunch of strange kids with weird clothes who called themselves "The Aventuriers".

Sheriff Triffitt,Leena Knowles,twins Sachi & Yaku Takahashi,Melina Costa and JayJay Matthews called themselves "The Aventuriers"; a group that hunts "The Reigners", creatures from a dimension near theirs who keep contaminating and taking the energy of the humans around them for their benefit of survival. Once they save cousins Emily and Andrew, the only nomad humans able to see them they decided to join them in, but when Andrew gets intoxicated by a reigner dimensional waste it's up to his cousin Emily and the aventuriers to find a cure.


Will they be able to find it before it's too late?




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