
The story behind "The Seventh Sense"

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Samurai Princess (Geisha)
The Elements
Pam's Book
More Than Fins
The Long Ride
The Aventuriers
The Seventh Sense
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Angels are messengers of God in the Hebrew Bible (translating מלאך), the New Testament and the Quran. The term "angel" has also been expanded to various notions of "spiritual beings" found in many other religious traditions.

The theological study of angels is known as angelology. In art, angels are often depicted with wings, ultimately reflecting the descriptions in the Hebrew Bible, such as the chayot in Ezekiel's Merkabah vision or the Seraphim of Isaiah.

The word angel in English is a fusion of the Old English word engel (with a hard g) and the Old French angele. Both derive from the Latin angelus, and thence the Koine Greek ἄγγελος - angelos ('messenger') used in the Septuagint to translate the Hebrew מלאך mal'akh (yehowah) "messenger (of Yahweh)".

(Credits to Wikipedia. For more info go to www.wikipedia.org).

Well, this book is going to mean a lot to me if I'm able to make a great job doing while I'm writing it. It'll mean a lot to me and touch a lot of people since it is based on my experience with God and also it will have it's fantasy parts but the message will be unchangeable (or at least I hope so). I'm taking this as a challenge for me since it'll be the first time I will ever make a christian novel for young adults and I'm getting kinda scared about it to be honest! Since religion is such a very "delicate" subject (topic) for some people but even so the message in all my books are always for a good cause and for a good reason hence why I'm afraid some people might get the wrong message. I hope people really get to enjoy this and might even change their perspective about God and how he wants to use us and stuff. God bless... :) 



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