
"Pam's Book" Summary
Diary Of My Novels
Novel Summaries
Samurai Princess (Geisha)
The Elements
Pam's Book
More Than Fins
The Long Ride
The Aventuriers
The Seventh Sense
My Drama/Movie Scripts
My Songs
My Drawings
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Ben Wood could be seen as just your typical 18 year old college student: has a job, has a family, has decent grades and enjoys hanging out with his friends. Little do they know, is that Ben is also a half vampire: half mortal, half inmortal.

As he spent most of his days fighting against others of his kind to protect his coven’s lair, a gigantic Victorian castle; it is in one of these battles that he meets Pam, a young and radiant young woman that cautivates him to the point of falling madly in love with her. But then,  everything changes when in the middle of a battle, something unexpected happened and Pam is found dead; lying on the ground with a mysterious book in her hands.

Now it’s up to Ben to find out what happened to his beloved, how and why she died, and what’s this mysterious book that seems to be calling at him?




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