
"Samurai Princess (Geisha)" Summary
Diary Of My Novels
Novel Summaries
Samurai Princess (Geisha)
The Elements
Pam's Book
More Than Fins
The Long Ride
The Aventuriers
The Seventh Sense
My Drama/Movie Scripts
My Songs
My Drawings
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"Some people call us 'maidens', others 'courtesans' and the rest who might not know anything about us but hear the wrong rumors call us 'prostitutes'. Yet, that is not what we truly are; the word that most describe us is 'artist'. We are Geisha, 'gei' for 'art' and 'sha' for 'person'. Mentored to become the perfect hostess, the ultimate entertainer...but, we are also forbidden to certain things...the one thing that makes us human: love.
No matter what they say; I'm a woman...I feel...how can I get rid of that powerful feeling taking over me? I want to know what it's like...what it's like to love and be loved, utterly...
And I'm beggining to think that one of these days, when I least expect it...I'm going to find out..."




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