
The story behind "The Long Ride"

Diary Of My Novels
Novel Summaries
Samurai Princess (Geisha)
The Elements
Pam's Book
More Than Fins
The Long Ride
The Aventuriers
The Seventh Sense
My Drama/Movie Scripts
My Songs
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A ghost has been defined as the disembodied spirit or soul of a deceased person, although in popular usage the term refers only to the apparition of such a person. Often described as immaterial and partly transparent, ghosts are reported to haunt particular locations or people that they were associated with in life or at time of death.

Phantom armies, ghost-animals, ghost trains and phantom ships have also been reported.

Ghosts or similar paranormal entities appear in film, theatre, literature, myths, legends, and some religions.

(Credits to Wikipedia. For more info go to www.wikipedia.org)

I really never thought I'd be doing this really short story I once made for english class in high school into a novel. At that time I thought about it, I knew it had potencial and there was more that I could talk about, the characters, the full version of what really happened and what happens after it. It was a romantic story that ended up in tragedy when his love is killed and he remembers the night of the incident when he was with her and all his regrets, then I again must thank one of my most recent reads, a book by Tonya Hurley named "ghostgirl" so my mind instantly clicked "What if she was never gone? What if I make her a ghost?" Then I thought about the people living in the house right after her and it all just came together in my head.

My bond with my two little brothers also helped me figure out how this could all go to and the true meaning of the story which could only be "Never hesitate in telling that special someone what you want to say", "Live your life every single second of it" and "The things that you don't miss today, you might miss them tomorrow". Three different advices for three different siblings that no matter what, they're there for each other...my dedication for this book? I already know for whom it's going to be... :)




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