
The story behind "Pam's Book"

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A Half-Vampire?

A Dhampir (also dhampire, dhamphir or dhampyr) in Balkan folklore is the child of a vampire father and a human mother. In vampire fiction the term Dunpeal is also used, most often the result of transliteration from Japanese manga (see: Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust). Dhampirs often have powers similar to a vampire, but none of their weaknesses (though, the reverse can occur as well). A dhampir is believed to be unusually adept at killing and detecting vampires.

As the concept became popular in fiction the idea of hybrid or half-vampires expanded. Thus, in the broadest sense, dhampirs can be understood as the children / offspring / clones / etc. of at least one vampire while at the same time, not a vampire themselves.

(Credits to Wikipedia. www.wikipedia.org).

Well, I never thought a "half-vampire" to be born (made) by only having "sexual intercourses" with a woman (she human and he vampire or viceverse). The thought about half vamps first came upon me with this rather famous book series called "Cirque du Freak" which I hope some of you might've at least heard of it (if you haven't, shame on you. It's quite good series). Written by british Darren Shan, the story is set on the life of a boy, fascinated by a french circus of 'freaks' steals the tarantula of Mr. Crepsley, one of the Cirque du Freak members who also happens to be a vampire. As a 'life's punishment' Darren (the boy) it's caught in twisted matter of "life and death" when his best friend gets bitten by the tarantula and in order to save him not only he has to find Mr. Crepsley to give the tarantula back and ask him to help him save his best friend but he also has to make a deal with Mr. Crepsley; that is, if he helps Darren's friend, Darren will then let him turn him into a half vampire and become his assistant.

My point in all of this explanation of the plot in the first book of 'Cirque du Freak' series it's actually the way he is turned, which was Mr.Crepsley making a few cuts on Darren's fingertips and he doing the same to his fingertips and then uniting them where the wound was, which was gushing out lots of blood. Then there's that other method I saw I think on an anime; that was, if you let the human taste your vampire blood, he or she will become half vampire. So, I decided on that one which sounds more 'reasonable' I think.

The idea of "Pam's Book" came to me on a dream (yes, very "Stephiepoo"style with her "Twipoop series" (I apologize if you LOVE this series but I got my reasons to...not like them much...). In the dream, I was a boy and his name was Ben Wood and he was in this war versus vampires, he himself was involve cause he was half vampire and most of the people in his coven were too. I see myself in first point of view, see myself running through the war. Lots of vampires attacking, having a one o' one and suddenly between all the chaos, my time space stops and I see a few feet away from me, the most beautiful girl I've ever seen (for Ben that is, though I must admit she was gorgeous). She had neck lenght fiery red hair and the most brilliant green eyes...esmeralds! And her skin was as smooth and white as porcelain...she looked at me with a grin and suddenly she's on top of me, and we're fighting but I didn't wanted to fight her and I knew she didn't...but then I realized we weren't really 'fighting' but we were sort of playing around; and then out of the blue, she kissed me.

It was the most strangest thing for me; knowing that I'm dreaming but at the same time concious that a GIRL is kissing ME (remember I'm seeing this from first point of view, so she literally IS kissing me). When we broke apart, a book magically materializes in between us out of thin air and she grabs it and also grabs my hand and tells me to come with her. We ran away from the battlefield but not long enough for other monsters affiliate to her coven (which was the coven fighting with my coven) to realized we're running away: trolls were those other monsters and they had huge axes and they were throwing those at us and also big rocks.

Thankfully; Ed, my coven's leader ran on vamp-speed toward us when a rock was thrown at us. He took it with his hands, stopped it, and threw it back to them. When he turned around to ask us if we were okay, another troll threw an ax and almost cut Pam's throat (which was her name) but only got to cut a string she had around her neck, she got scared and backed away but tripped over a tree root and fell, the book on her chest...everything suddenly went slow-motion as her eyes slowly followed the string that had left her neck, which was now in the air slowing dropping, in it... there was a key and as it fell, she tried to grab it but the key as if called upon, fell straight into the keyhole of the book...

While all this is happening, I'm not really watching anything at all...I'm giving Pam my back as I'm watching in awe how my leader keeps on throwing things to the trolls. Then, a ball of light erupts...what happened was the book opened and the pages began to pass very fast as if being blown by a strong wind, until the last page which was in blank and then that light took over the whole battlefield, blinding us all. When it finally faded, I looked back and saw to my dismay that Pam was lying with the book closed on her chest, the key beside her body and she...she was dead...


I woke up...well, you must know how I woke up! I had to write about it immediately! Vampires...books that kill you...a misterious girl...things that I didn't see in the dream itself but somehow were part of it in Ben's mind, my mind...things that I knew were going to happen or happened...and of course the reason why this Pam girl died...but of course I can't tell you more....for that, you'll have to read the story...so, shall we?




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